
Engineering Chlamydomonas with synthetic biology tools

salle de séminaires Léon Hirth - 9h15

Dr Michael SCHRODA, Molecular Biotechnology & Systems Biology, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Allemagne, invité par T. Salinas

Engineering Chlamydomonas with synthetic biology tools

Michael Schroda

Molecular Biotechnology & Systems Biology, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 23, D-67663, Germany

Although the transformation of all three genomes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was established more than 30 years ago, problems with nuclear gene expression impaired the development of this microalga for applications in biotechnology. Several achievement in the past years have helped to overcome these problems, including the development of strong promoters and terminators, codon optimization, insertion of introns, and the creation of expression strains reducing transgene silencing. The most recent development is the establishment of a toolkit for modular cloning (MoClo), enabling synthetic biology for Chlamydomonas. Four examples for applications of the MoClo system will be presented: the overexpression of Calvin-Benson cycle enzymes to improve photosynthetic yield; the establishment of a sensor for the detection of H2O2 in five cell compartments; the establishment of TurboID-mediated proximity labeling in the plastid; and the secretion of enzymes for the degradation of PET plastic.