EMBO Member -Danièle WERCK 01.05.2015 Danièle Werck-Reichhart was elected member of the EMBO by her peers. This honorary title so dedicates the international…
Chaire Gutenberg – Theodor LANGE 01.01.2015 Gutenberg Chair, funded by the local authorities to facilitate the reception of Alsace international researchers invited by higher…
PhD Thesis Price – Kinda MASOUD-HLEIBIEH 07.11.2014 Kinda Masoud-Hleibieh has received the price Jean Kepler awarded by Saint Thomas’s chapter. This university price is awarded…
PhD Thesis price – Kinda MASOUD-HLEIBIEH 27.06.2014 Kinda Masoud-Hleibieh received a PhD thesis price from the Committee of Research of the University of Strasbourg. This…
CNRS Cristal Award – Jérôme MUTTERER 06.11.2013 Specialist of the image processing and microscopist, Jérôme Mutterer developed and gave to the scientific community a free…
ERC advanced Grant – Pascal GENSCHIK 01.07.2013 ERC advanced Grant, an award of the European council of the research for the innovative projects of confirmed…
Allocation commune de l’USIAS et du FRIAS – Danièle WERCK et Ralf RESKI 22.06.2013 Within the framework of the first program of common fellowships of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Fribourg…
PhD Thesis price – Bernard GUTMANN 19.12.2012 Bernard Gutmann obtained the PhD thesis price of the Society of Biology of Strasbourg for his “Study of…
Gutenberg Chair – Wyatt Allen MILLER 15.12.2012 Wyatt Allen Miller, professor at Iowa State University, was welcomed in Véronique Ziegler-Graff’s team.
USIAS Fellow – Manfred HEINLEIN 10.12.2012 Manfred Heinlein, was selected as one of the first 16 members of the Institute of advanced studies of…
Price Roger-Jean et Chantal Gautheret – Pascal GENSCHIK 01.09.2011 The Academy of Science awarded the price Roger-Jean and Chantal Gautheret to Pascal Genschik. This annual price rewards…
PhD thesis price – Kamel HAMMANI 02.06.2011 Kamel Hammani received a PhD thesis price of the scientific council of the University of Strasbourg for his …