The diploma of Master’s degree “Life and Health” offers the possibility to continue with a doctorate of the University of Strasbourg in Sciences of the Living – Molecular and cellular aspects of the biology. Every year, a dozen of thesis is supported in the IBMP, half of which benefited from funding of the Ministry of Research and the other half of diverse sources (contracts with companies, BDI grants, CIFRE grants etc.).
Since 1990, 168 students of the IBMP obtained, further to their diploma of 5th year of university, the doctor’s title of the University of Strasbourg. The quality of the training obtained in the IBMP is reflected by a very good professional integration of the students.
PhD Thesis defended since 2013
If you wish to inquire about the themes of research supported by the various teams of the IBMP, you can surf on this site and discover them.
Consult the IBMP offers on the doctoral school website (search keyword “UPR2357” or “institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes”)
Apply for an offer here
The conditions of attribution by contest of the research allocations are detailed on the site of the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health of Strasbourg.